Graphic Design

We are the best web designing company in India providing clients with stylish and impressive web designs. We offer unique and inexpensive website designs that get your business thriving in no time. We follow up with all of the current graphic design trends and concepts. Keeping your design, branding and overall marketing up to speed with what your clients/customers expect to see is phenomenally important. Design concept and philosophy are constantly changing to meet the needs of our constantly changing client needs. Don’t let your business fall behind, let Penodia handle all of your graphic design needs. The visual impact of professional quality graphic design in every marketed resource is very important to the success of any sphere of business or organization.

Web Design​​

Wireframes, layouts, workflows, site maps and so on, often we need to figure this out before we start your website design. This is how we do it; we create a general sample of what your website might look like. Typically, this one to two pages of design partnered with a website flow chart/sitemap to give you an idea of the design and flow we consider best for your website. We then go improving on any set of general changes you would want before we start your actual website design and development.

Logo Design

Dhaka Pixel has successfully designed logos for quite a large number of organizations in Bangladesh. The logo designing process at Dhaka pixel is very simple and robust. Our design staff will coordinate with the client to understand their vision of the business and will come up with logo designing concepts.

Business card Design

We do business card designs for new and already existing business organizations. Our design team discusses design requirements with the client in detail and then create a set of concepts of business card design for review by client.